Dedicated to serving the lost, lonely, and forgotten in our communities.
Program Format:
2500 Fathers Annually
Dad pantry: provide resources for children while in custody of fathers(Diapers/pull ups, baby wipes, onesies and undershirts, baby formula and food, baby lotion, baby wash, baby shampoo) Annual Conferance: Large event to raise awareness on resources, honor outstanding fathers and organizations that support them. Quarterly resource drive: This is a collaborative event to collect supplies and stock “Dad pantry” Monthly workshops and dad focused events: These are resourced based events to educate and support fathers (communication, parenting, job referrals and matching, legitimation, child support)
Current Metrics:
The program eliminates communication gaps between parents, strengthens the families, provides an emotionally safe ecosystem that supports and trains fathers.
Good 360, Sage Futures, Marriot
Service Areas:
We currently serve several areas, including Metro Atlanta, New York, South Carolina, Los Angeles, Miami, and Houston. We hope to expand our service areas and reach more communities in need.
Our program is targeted towards communities in need of beautification, love, care and a boost in morale.